Sewing Adventures – Drainage Bags

When friends and family get sick it sucks. Often there is very little you can do to help. Lately I’ve been feeling like that with more than one family member facing a battle. I did what I could by making drainage bags. Thanks to Emma aka Ernest Flagg for the pattern.

Construction wise they are fairly simple, fully bagged out with a tie top so it’s adjustable for the height and position of the person using it.

These are some Jocelyn Proust fabrics from Spotlight. The fabric itself is stiff and stable. Annoyingly the pattern repeat is directional or in the case of one of the prints about 20cm wide and super obvious. Quite frankly for “designer” fabric from Spotlight I expected better.

If you have some stash fabric about and some time to spare think about making some up and contacting a local charity to drop them off, am sure they will be much appreciated. I actually made 2 versions. One where the total length is 100cm and one where it is 110cm. This way I could fit it lengthwise or widthwise on the fabric and never use more than a metre to make a bag. The actual bag section is approximately 35cm wide at the base by 32cm high. Again sometimes I made adjustments in order to make it fit the fabric and they are still plenty big enough.

If you are in Australia and want to make some, here are some charities that accept them


A simple Gift of A Bag Hill District Sydney

A simple Gift of A Bag

Am sure there are many more worldwide who would appreciate any help from the Sewing Community.

Pattern: From Emma and then adjusted

Fabric: Prints from Spotlight and cotton lawn lining from Pitt Trading

Alterations: am not super happy about the bagging out. I feel like there should be a more efficient way to make these?

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