Tie Shoulder for The Milicent Dress

Tie Shoulders for The Milicent Dress

Tie shoulders are a great way to add some whimsy to a garment, also a great sneaky way to have wider straps too!

Here I’ve written the instructions as for The Milicent Dress but the same concept could be used for tonnes of different dress or top patterns.

Part 1.

  1. Don’t cut out the straps provided in the pattern we are going to create wider longer ones.
  2. on a piece of paper draw a rectangle 10cm wide x 70cm
  3. cut x 4 out of your main fabric
  4. cut x 4 out of iron in interfacing
  5. iron interfacing onto wrong side of fabric

Part 2.

  1. Fold in half lengthwise
  2. Press
  3. stitch around outside edge leaving one narrow edge open
  4. clip corners
  5. turn right side out

Insert straps into garment as per regular instructions and tie at shoulders