Liebster Award

LeibesterThe lovely Mel from Made by Melanie has nominated me for a Liebster award. It’s a series of questions you pass via various bloggers so you get to know a bit more about them.

So without further ado here is my Q and A

1. Why did you start blogging?

I started this sewing blog only last year. I had been sitting on the outskirts of the sewing community and honestly it looked like fun so I jumped on in. Previously I have blogged for my other online business, contribute to women in business blogs and run some community event blogs.

2. How do you get yourself out of a sewing funk?

I used to buy more fabric. Mum always says when you are feeling uninspired there is nothing like a new piece of fabric to get you started again. Now that I’m in stash busting mode, I like to take a look at my patterns and see which ones can be made up the fabrics I already have.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Japan or England.


Japan because it’s awesome and I love traveling there whenever I get a chance and England because that’s where The Englishman is from and I love going to visit.


England is far prettier than it is given credit for. Filled with amazing places and food. Too often people dismiss it or only talk of London as a destination but I’m thoroughly enjoying seeing bits of the country each time we visit.

4. Sewing for other people: love it or loathe it?

An entire garment from start to finish love it. Mending or alterations HATE IT. Except I’m stupid, too nice and polite and either offer or when people ask I say yes. I’m resolving that after the batch I have now, am not doing any more alterations ever. Unless people are willing to pay ridiculously large sums of money and bribe me with chocolate and Liberty fabric.

5. What is your best feature?

I’m willing to help. Ask me how to do something and I’ll show you. Ask me to help you move house and I’m there. It sometimes backfires on me but mostly it’s ok. I love sharing knowledge and learning from other people so I like to share what knowledge I have.

6. What is your favourite fabric shop?


Nomura Tailor in Kyoto, no trip to Japan is complete until I have spent hours in there (and a small fortune).

7. What is your biggest sewing sin?

I never swap out my needles. I sew till that sucker breaks. It’s a terrible habit but I’ve also not had problems doing that either. It would have to be a very fancy and expensive piece of fabric that would prompt me to put in a new needle.

8. If you could make any sewing process disappear, what would it be?

Alterations. I want every pattern to perfectly fit me as soon as I cut it out. That would be bliss.

9. Which other crafts, if any, do you do?

Counted cross stitch, softie making (which is kind of part of normal sewing too I guess), drawing and photography. Does baking count? am a keen cook and baker always looking to improve my skills there. I also quite excel in the art of cat fur accumulation, though in truth that’s mostly the mini.

10. Cats or dogs?

Cats! Well cat singular as I don’t think Miss Mini would be very happy if there were cats plural.


Mini proving one can never be too comfortable or too fuzzy. I would love a sausage dog but mini would hate it and be like 8 times bigger than it too. It would be hard to explain that the dog nearly suffocated because the cat sat on it! Plus we have no space.

Thanks so much Mel for the nomination, I hope everyone learnt a bit more about me. Now it’s time to nominate some others, so they can share along too.

Maria from How good is that?

Steff from Where I create

Amanda from Bimble and Pimble

Michelle from ButtonTreeLane

Natalie from Natalie Jane Handmade


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