Designer Influence – Westwood


I think what gets me most about Westwood is the drama of it all. It tells a story, the narrative goes from season to season and she doesn’t stray too far from her strengths.
Take a historical slant, bend it, twist it, subvert it and present it back to the audience as something new yet profoundly familiar because it is rooted in history of clothing.
Her corsets and crinolines have always fascinated me, they seem to be engineered rather than sewn but when you see glimpses of her workrooms as in many of the documentaries made on her work, you see the incredibly technical aspects of her workers.
As a fashion student I was convinced I was going to be the next Westwood, it was only as I learnt and grew as a designer that I realised not only that I couldn’t be the next Westwood but I also didn’t want to be? She is the best and only Westwood there is, and that anything less was a pale imitation thereof. Much better to learn and find my own way than strive to be a lessor version of someone else.

Floral dress via DesignerzCentral Westwood for the Vienna Ballet via Untitled Magazine Check jacket via FIDM Museum  Header image via HelloTailor


2 replies on “Designer Influence – Westwood

  • Kirsty

    Yes! I love Westwood, but agree with your sentiment that it is about finding your own journery and voice. I’ll say it again, I love this series of yours.
    BTW, just discovered Stella Jean – probably a bit late to the party – but her use of patterns is great.

    • Susan Goodwin

      Am so glad you are enjoying the series, have so many influences so it feels right to homage to them.
      Stella Jean’s pattern use is amazing, reminds me a little of Custo who are from Barcelona


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